Monday, May 24, 2010

Canadialand 3 : Moisture Moments & Coming out, well, sorta.

For those who are unaware of how the set-up is here (Everybody but about three of the people who are on the actual trip), some additional information: My little group consists of seven people. There is me; your dashing hero, K. Then there is my mother and her sister, H and W1. Along for the trip are two cousins of my mom, N and W2, W2 also the only other male presence in the group. Closing of the ranks are two of my mothers's aunts, my great aunts Aunty N, and Aunty R. We are visiting another of my mother's extended coteries of aunts, Aunty G (who turns 80 tomorrow) and her uncle, Uncle M.

I can say it is a good mixture of people. All seven of us exhibit moments of incredible mental acuity that do, but barely, outweigh the moments of intense "Ah yes, I should have seen that coming, can somebody come and help me now please"-stupidity.
But more importantly, it is a good mixture of different styles and senses of humor. Where I personally tend more to the situational, punny type of jokes, we have with us a physical joker (W2), some who find the funny side in day to day situations (H, W1, N) and those who are generally appreciative of the concept of humor (yups, everybody). It makes for some interesting car trips, I can tells ya.

Yesterday brought us to the stunning Niagara Falls. On my previous visit, my brother and I managed to make about 67 photos of water (And this is the falls from another angle, and this is the water underneath the falls, and these are the american falls, and these...) and yesterday would have been no different if my camera hadn't experienced a small moisture moment of it's own during the "Explore the Roar" boatride. At some point all my photos developed a soft-focus, ABBA-video-like effect that was charming, but not intended. Luckily a few minutes in the sun fixed the issue.
I still say the blasted thing had nothing to complain about, it might have gotten a tad wettish, I personally, along with W1, managed to pick exactly those spots on the boat where, for some reason, water just happened. (Hey look W, a free spot on the railing, let's stand here an-SPLOOSHHgggkkkggburblerble"Is that a trout in your ear?")

After having been wetted, we had good burger inflicted upon us by the daughter of Aunty G and her husband, In and An, who are providing is with BBQ this evening. I'm looking forward to that.
Yesterday we also had a piquenique party for Aunty G great-granddaughter, who turned 2 and might well be one of the most precious children I have ever seen. Amazingly focused and aware of what she wants (sticks) she sort of moseys around picking things (sticks) up, judging them (stick or no stick) and then carries them around. Crowning moment of Awesome for my mom and I was were she selected our present as the top one, refusing to open her other presents untill ours was opened and added to her current collection (of sticks)

To give you an indication of the group dynamics... I made a joke. Obviously, it was a bad joke, for I am I. My mother chose that moment to pick a piece of lint of my shoulder, but I thought she was coming in to give me a swift (deserved? who can tell(I can: Yes)) smack. So I ducked. So she missed my shoulder. And then said "do you think I'm gonna hit you?", and pretended to hit me for real, but missed.  And smacked W2 on the knee. Three-stooges-style-youtube-gold. Sad but true.

We closed the day of visiting a big souvenir store where everyone managed to find something moose-themed but me, but I have a few days left. They did sell fudge, which caused me to remark "I don't eat Fudge, I just pack it". I do think this is as close to actually coming out ass I am going to get this holiday... :)

Anyways, off to my BBQ, where I am going to try to create some good olive-bread and garlic mayonnaise.

Love, ey,

1 comment:

Lex said...

I was hoping for a bit less wholesome family bonding time with adorable toddlers and a bit more sexual exposé... Drugs, sex, hookers, one-night stands or simpel violence will do. Fake it if you have to!

Have you tried the fries and cheese yet? It's called Poutine!