Thursday, October 27, 2005


See, already I'm doing my second post. Offcourse this could've been avoided had I simply read through all available information before making my first, but then again I would've had to title my rant about how terrible I am at firsts "seconds"and for some reason that didn't really work for me.

Wellnow.. Since I'll be using this post to get my picture in my profile and everything I might as well use it as a "get to know me"post. So if you are not really a fan of those, please for now go to another blog, or, if you read this a bit later on when there are more posts, continue on to the next one. As far as I know anything about myself, I'll not be filling anything I write with this type of information, so the next one(s) will be decidedly less boring.

hmm, who is me? My name is Kevin. I'm a 24 year old dutch man, biseksual (first I was straight, then bisexual, then gay, now biseksual), I live near Amsterdam, and work in Amsterdam, in a job I really like.
The picture was taken at work, by a coworker with a webcam that was not al that well adjusted to bright fluorescent lighting, so I look a bit, well, whiter that I would normally do. but at least my hair is shiny...

I read like books will become extinct tomorrow (and WILL kill myself if they do), love movies and music, and make a very good accesory to have hanging on your arm for parties and suchlike, since I'm told I can be quite funny & charming and look good in a tux (but then again, who doesn't?)

For now, that will be it. The rest of my personality quirks will become apparent in my posts, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

"by a co-worker with a webcam that was not al that well adjusted to bright fluorescent lighting"

Pffff, your foundation is just NOT well applied, that’s why you are shining brighter then the F*cking sun. That’s the reason why you look so white… It has nothing to do with my (poor) webcam or my abilities to operate it!!


Kevin / Luce said...

Thanks, dear, dear cow-worker.. (or is that with just one "w"..You make me forget)

See you at work. *said through clenched teeth*

Anonymous said...


You little trailer trash bitch!

I love you to and everything, hope you sleep well tonight. I will sing you some songs tomorrow!

`I don’t care if the sun don’t shine, I get my loving in the evening time, when I’m with my baby!`


Kevin / Luce said...

Grand, now not only do the people we work with think we sleep together, so do all 5 of my readers..