Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well… fashion… fashion… style, maybe. And even if that, MY ideas of style, which might not always match with other’s ideas of same. Having had some small schooling in the field of fashion, and a long abiding interest in the field of style, and having made my own good measure of momentous fuck-ups, I believe I have acquired at my young age a good eye for “what looks good” and what doesn’t, and a reasonable ability to match things from that first category to the people around me and myself.

I think my greatest fabfashionmoment was when M, a friend who shall remain an initial for this scriptorial, asked me to join her on a shopping trip, for shits and giggles. We arrived at a large clothing store where we swiftly dived into the stacks, pulling out a lot of things we thought looked ok, among which a pair of dusty green linen pants and a brightly printed purple top. Well, I thought it looked nice, she didn’t. Didn’t, until she came out of the changing rooms (some pressure was applied) and completely loved the outfit. She was actually commented upon it several times, and called me very excitedly when she saw a tv-presenter dressed in exactly the same outfit. I was very happy then, and am so still.

So I think I have a reasonable eye for the gross lines of style, and as such am going to create a number of blogs on that and directly related topics, starting of with the one directly after this one, which should be published later today. As a title and category for these, I will try to create an easy to reach label. Most likely: Style:[topic]

Feedback will be, as always, greatly appreciated.

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