Monday, August 28, 2006

Writer's block

For the past few weeks I have been experiencing a writer's block. This annoys me.

For those of you who have spent their days waiting for me to update this only to be getting a rant about pancakes in the past I can imagine you don't really see the impact this could have on me, but rest assured I do a bit more writing than only this little blog o'mine.
Or better, at the moment, I do NOT do a bit more writing than this blog o'mine.

Usually I am putting things on paper, story ideas, blog ideas, column ideas. At this poitn in time nothing gets written. I have trouble finishing a simple e-mail asking for a few days of.
And that's not the worst part, actually. The worst is the fact that my language is deteriorating as we speak.
The simplest things escape me at the moment. The difference between "live" and "life" seems to be the flimsiest and nebulous of substances most of my days. "Then" and "than" are being switched basically willy-nilly in the faint hope of being right at least once in a while. Dutch words I know the meaning of escape all meaning when I try to explain them to others, and I can't even comprehend why I use specific words, whereas usually I pride myself on my ability to make language my personal bitch.

Bad times, my friends, bad times.
In the last few weeks I have seen a number of movies, some so very very bad they make Jaws 3D look like a very succesful cinematographic experience. But I find myself unable to tell you all about it. I am so very sorry.

For now, goodbye. As soon as the block lifts, I will let you know.



Anonymous said...

You poor, poor thing. That should clear up some time on your schedule to go play the Sims2, go go go go go go

Kevin / Luce said...

YEs, yes it should, actually.

Anonymous said...

Hmm for an itsybitsy tinesy part I feel a leetle bit guilty...
Me who has told you you write so cewl, so vivid, so elaborate yet to the point and sometimes pointles.
Put on your pencil costume and write, you bitch.
luv ya

Kevin / Luce said...

Wasn't your fault, Bien, just something to live up to :)