Thursday, May 18, 2006


Yes, yesterday I somehow got suckered into a pubcrawl. Within my circle of friends I might be known as someone who'll try new things every now and again but really, pubcrawling is not widely seen as "my thing".

But the football-watching crowd yesterday was picky enough to send us trudging through east-Londen looking for a good viewing location. The first one was rejected because the screen was too big and the place too busy. The second one because there wasn't enough sound, the third one, by sight alone, because it wasn't busy enough (?) and then the fourth was deemed acceptable, not big screens, but comfortable seeting at least. By now I was hungry, bored out of my gore and I needed to go to the toilet with a vengeance, so I'd have agreed with anything.
(There was also a part Spanish-part English reason to agree with whatever was suggested, but then again, to me that's nothing new.)

But I have to say I had fun. We were with a group of about ten people, and everybody was introduced to me and quite nice. Football fans, off course, and the match was Barcelona against Arsenal and therefore well on the side of Arsenal. Because Barcelona is coached by a Dutchmen I felt moraly obliged to support Barcelona and I actually found out watching football isn't as bad as I'd always thought. At least the game was interesting and the fact "my team" won might've helped a bit.

We stuck around untill we were quite subtly told the bar wanted to close ("do you mind holding up your glass so I can clean the table now?") and we walked back to the hotel.
I'm very happy by the way to report that I can now find my way around East Londen 1, and my sense of direction is slowly coming back. Tonight I'm gonna see if I can truly catch my bearings in the Centre as well. Luckily I did find out there is an all night bus service from Centre to my hotel so I'll be able to come home at least.

For anyone who thinks this is really boring, by hte way, me prattling on about my hotel, and my lack of nightlife, and everything, I'm not sorry. This is going to be a bit like my diary for the duration of my stay and I'll prattle on about anything I like to prattle on about. Next up is fashion.

Because really, fashionwise I'm starting to hate humanity with a vengeance. We have come to the point where fashion isn't really different from one country to the other and it doesn't renew itself because everybody keeps buying what everybody else buys. And that basically sucks. For I'm here now and NOTHING I can buy I could not have bought in Amsterdam. Nothing apart from the backpacks.... Backpacks are really IN right now apparantly but I truly, truly hate them. Really hate them. They look like shite on nearly anyone. I'm just happy I brought my little messenger style tote. it is so much nicer than a twostrapped contraption maskerading as a fashion item.

Anyway, this afternoon on my lunchbreak I took a walk up to the Tower, and stood there for a few minutes, and then I walked up to the Roman Wall, and I stood there for nearly a quarter of an hour. The oldest man-build site in Londen.. Amazing, actually. I mean, the tower is nice, the bridge is nice, but they are both sort, compared to that little bit of wall.

Speaking of age... I turned 25 a few weeks ago and have been feeling sort of old-ish, but luckily last night I found out I am the youngest employee of this company on the mainland of Europe! I am second on the whole of Europe by about six weeks, dammit, the spanglish one is six weeks younger than me. But fair enough, I won't hold it against him. (I'd hold anything else available against him though, if there was even the slightest chance he wasn't very, very straight)

Hmm what more have I to say for now... not much, actually... OH! concerning the heat/pressure issue tipped on upon in my blog yesterday, the answer is both, I'm so happy...

That is truly it for now I guess. I'm off to find somewhere to eat and will speak to you all tomorrow morning. (not that you'd know it is tomorrow morning then, but it seems to be the only time I'll be able to write anything before training and the rush to the airport right after that...)


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