Thursday, January 19, 2006

Valentine's day!!!!

So... Valentine's day 2000, and I don't really beleive in Valentine's day as such, so it wasn't a real problem for megoing to a party the night before knowing I wouldn't be in till six and I would be sleeping away the entire blasted 14th of Feruary. After all, I was single, had no secret admirers (and if I did no-one told ME!) and was going to be more than happy to spend the day in a self-induced coma. I had some friends comig over later in the afternoon, but I would be up again by then.

All's well, the party ruled, I was payed a tidy sum for the pleasure of turning up in a tux and leading a friend of a friend around a dancefloor, and I got home about six, landing on my bed around half sixish and drifting off to nowhere in particular not too long after, blessed sleep... Well... light outside..damn...up again, close curtain..sleep...not sleep....turn...not sleep... ah! Spot, warmth..sleezzmm.

That is, untill I hear the bell ring (the hallway&gallery were next to my bedroom)... But my mom's home and I can hear her stumble to the door and open it.
A flapping of leather and an exciting squeak later my mom gently opens my bedroom door and tells me there is someone here to see me.
Grumblng and mumbling I try to get myself to the front door, after having bumped into a couple of walls I actually succeed, open the door and there stands Vanessa, one of the friends coming over. A quick check of the watch tells me it's about ten in the morning, and a quick check is all I get because the sound of flapping leather is back again. And back it is, in fact, because Vanessa has pulled open her long red leather coat. showing off her long red leather boots, and the belly burron ring saying I*heart*Kevin.
She also easily managed to show off the fact that she trimmed her pubic hair into an interesting heart shape and the fact that she was apparently not feeling much of the cold (it was FEBRUARY, for chrissakes) except round the nipplish area, it was a shame I had no planes of glass I needed to cut.

At this point in time the people that life in my head had a sort of discussion... one side of me really, really wanted to go to sleep, one part of me was to shocked to do anything, and another part was, well, apreciating the view. Shamefully, the part that wanted to sleep was biggest andf managed to win the fight, so the other parts of me watched me telling her we had an appointment for that afternoon and closing the door again.
Not smart.
When I realized what was happening the door was shut, and opening it swiftly and looking outside meant I could see her booting down the gallery towards the stariwell, RIGHTEOUSLY (and rightly) pissed off and very clearly nt speaking to me anymore.

Suffice it to say, Valentine's day was spend on the phone. First calling Vanessa to apologize (not really succesfully, as such) and then to a collection of mutual friends who might've tipped me off. (surprises, as anyone should have gathered, are wasted on me)
She eventually spoke to me again, but Valentine's day has held a specific dread for me since then..

And now, in the run-up to Valentine's day, for the first time in years I am in a relationship. Dreadfull thought. And my bf has a long leather coat.

It is a good thing I no longer live at home... My mom didn't really like the wake=up-pussy and she might be even more perturbed by, well...

We'll see..

Anyway, I've been to "the descent" last week, and "jarhead" both excellent movies, in their own right.
Descent is about a group of friends who gave exploring a cave system, getting lost/stuck and getting on each others nerves. The internal psychology of the group has been ecxcellenly done, and it nearly overrules the fact that they are also hunted by, well, things. I'm not saying what type of things, but they pulled a heartfelt "FUCKTHAT" from me and people needed to pry me off the ceiling after the things first real appearance.
Go see it, it's worth never entering a cave EVER AGAIN.

Jarhead is about US marines in the gulf war, a dismal prospect as any, but handled with such sarcastic irony and wit that it becomes engrossing, and very powerfull. Beutiful cinematography and camerawork, the acting is allright, and the sight of a buffed up Jake Gillenhaal in nothing but a christmas-hat (regretfully strategically placed) does onders for the spirit...

Till next time,

PS. one of my last posts seems to have read like a suicide note...can anyone tell me which one and why? Cause I don't see it...

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